Cargo Express Secure & Reliable

ISCtakes as much care with your small shipments as your big ones. Our CARGOXPRESS service is right for you if you’re looking for a “sample” shipment with no commitment to a larger one.

ISC can ship 25kg to 100kg packages almost anywhere in the world in 3 to 5 days, making CARGOXPRESS a quick, simple and complete service.

You choose importing and exporting by air because speed is a priority. You know that freight-forwarded by air gets to its destination faster than by any other method, and also that customs, inspections and cargo handling is considerably quicker when packages are sent by air. The reliability and safety of air shipping are usually impossible to obtain by any other method.

Even so, there are times when fast isn’t fast enough — and it’s those times our CARGOXPRESS service is what you need.

Get your shipping quote now.

Warehousing FAQ Frequently Asked Questions

The primary is market demand. Traditionally from Dec through April for imports, it is called the “slow season.” Because the retail market slows down after Christmas. However from mid January through early February there is an upsurge of cargo moving to beat the Chinese New Year deadline whereby factories all over China shut down for weeks. This usually keeps rates high as there is always space problems for cargo getting on vessels. From May through November this would be the “peak season” where there is a big demand for cargo moving into the U.S., so the Carriers raise the rates during this period, with the GRI (general rate increase), and PSS (peak season surcharge).

Most freight payments are done with a Company check. However you can also pay with wire transfer or credit card (subject to administrative fee). Payment is sent right around the time the freight is due to arrive, clear customs and be released.

There may be airport fees, warehouse fees, custom clearance charges, duty/tax and door delivery charges.

Of course, if your cargo is chosen for custom exam at destination, please prepare to home charges and delays for getting the cargo.

Ship only the most important items and pack in as small of a box, crate or pallet as possible.
If you can route from/to a major hub (JFK, LUH, BJS) instead of a smaller airport, this may help to lower your freight rate.

We will provide you with the necessary paperwork for custom clearance, once custom is done, you can go to the warehouse to pick up the cargo.
We also advise you to check with destination custom prior to shipment departs, just to make sure if there’s any special rule & regulation at destination for certain commodities

Freight forwarding is a service used by companies that deal in international or multi-national import and export. While the freight forwarder doesn’t actually move the freight itself, it acts as an intermediary between the client and various transportation services.

Sending products from one international destination to another can involve a multitude of carriers, requirements and legalities. A freight forwarding service handles the considerable logistics of this task for the client, relieving what would otherwise be a formidable burden.

Freight forwarding services guarantee that products will get to the proper destination by an agreed upon date, and in good condition.

The freight forwarding service utilizes established relationships with carriers of all kinds, from air freighters and trucking companies, to rail freighters and ocean liners. Freight forwarding services negotiate the best possible price to move the product along the most economical route by working out various bids and choosing the one that best balances speed, cost and reliability.

A freight forwarding service generally provides one or more estimates to the client along with advisement, when necessary. Considerations that effect price will range from origin and destination to special requirements, such as refrigeration or, for example, transport of potentially hazardous materials.

Assuming the client accepts the forwarder’s bid, the freight is readied for shipping. The freight forwarding service then undertakes the responsibility of arranging the transport from point of origin to destination.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.